Are you or your gym members ready to take the overhead barbell or landmine exercise to the next level? The Wishbone Attachment is the perfect solution to enhance these workouts.
For the best results, simply attach the Wishbone Landmine Attachment to the end of the barbell that is set up in a core blaster. This is also compatible with all of the Olympic bars we sell.
Installing it is as simple as sliding our landmine attachment over your Olympic barbell and tightening it. Then, load up with your preferred Olympic bumper plates and start taking your exercise to the next level. Add front squats, v-style squats, hack squats, overhead lifts, and more to your strength-training regimen! You’ll never have a better chance of achieving your fitness objectives thanks to this landmine attachment.
With our sturdy steel design, which we promise will last for years, feel secure during your exercises. In order to maximize comfort and efficiency while minimizing needless strain during intense activity, our product has narrow shoulder pads.
Other possible exercises include:
Wheelbarrow rows, overhead press, clean and jerk, under-hooks, bear fight, and so much more.