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Sand Bags

Available from the small 5kg all the way up to our heaviest 40kg bag, the sandbag is a versatile tool that allow you to develop your strength through a variety of exercises including squats and upper body workouts while at the same time improving your balance and coordination. The Sandbag offers a superior standard in power lifting equipment. This equipment is time tested and built to endure your toughest workouts. The durable and robust exterior allows the sand bag to withstand repeated use to allow you to focus on your workout.

What are Sand Bags used for in the Gym

Sandbags are used in gym as a training tool for strength and conditioning exercises. They can be used for a variety of exercises such as deadlifts, squats, lunges, and overhead presses. They are popular for functional training as the shifting weight of the sand mimics real-life lifting tasks, and provide an additional challenge to traditional weights. They can also be used for conditioning exercises like carries, and as an obstacle for obstacle course training.

What are the benefits of using Sand Bags?

Functional Training: Sandbags mimic real-life lifting tasks, which can be useful for athletes, or people working in physically demanding jobs.

Increased Core Stability: The shifting weight of the sandbag requires the use of multiple muscle groups to maintain proper form, which can increase core stability.

Variety: Sandbags can be used for a variety of exercises, such as deadlifts, squats, lunges, and overhead presses, which can add variety to your workout routine.

Unpredictable weight: The shifting weight of sandbags can make exercises more challenging and dynamic, as it requires the use of multiple muscle groups to maintain control of the bag.

Durability and portability: Sandbags are durable, easy to clean and transportable, making them a great option for outdoor or home gym training.

Cost-effective: Sandbags are relatively inexpensive and can be filled with sand from a local home improvement store.
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